
declaration of santo domingo معنى

  • إعلان سانتو دومينغو
  • declaration    n. إعلان, بيان, تص ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • santo    سانتو
  • santo domingo    سانتو دومينجو; سان ...
  • domingo    دومينجو

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. declaration of san salvador معنى
  2. declaration of san salvador ii معنى
  3. declaration of santiago de cali معنى
  4. declaration of santiago on confidence- and security-building measures معنى
  5. declaration of security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon states made by the five nuclear weapon states معنى
  6. declaration of sentiments معنى
  7. declaration of solidarity and support for the liberation of southern africa معنى
  8. declaration of solidarity with the african national liberation movements معنى
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